Monday, 25 June 2007

Counting Down....

I'm off to Woolfest for the first time on Saturday - I'm really looking forward to it - I've never been before, but from what other people are saying, it's going to blow me away. I'm going with an open mind, and an open purse (if my bank manager is reading this, I am very, very sorry). No real shopping list, except for about 1000 yards of nice laceweight something in black, white or a variation, in order to start on Mystery Stole 3. And anything else nice that I can think of. It's a lovely drive from here as well - straight along the A69 (A696 if the weather's nice, and I feel brave). I just hope this rain stops and no-one else gets flooded out, and everyone who wants to go can make it. We've been OK up here, but we were flooded out when I was little (Carrie Anne will probably remember this as well), when I woke up one morning to most of the living room furniture stacked in my bedroom, and the Irish Sea in the house. It was exciting when I was 6, (I got evacuated - first to Poulton le Fylde, then to my Uncle's in Stockport) but I feel for anyone affected. I'm thinking of anyone who's having to suffer it.

I'm currently up to 15 repeats on the fir cone shawl, and flagging. For some reason, I seem stuck with a fir cone neckerchief. Perhaps the knitting fairies will pop round and make it grow? Sometimes I seem to get stuck, and suddenly I get a burst, and my WIP comes flying off my needles. Other times, I end up with yet another UFO. And I've started a tie - first of a pair for Stuart Maconie and Mark Radcliffe - I suggested a song for "the Chain" on their radio show on Radio 2, and got on air - they asked what my hobbies were, and of course I mentioned knitting - so we had a chat, and I ended up promising to knit them a couple of ties. Which I've started, so watch this space.

And with Honey Florence arriving, I'm getting a yen to knit cute pink things. I've got my eye on a dress in Knit Today, if I can find a few spare days from somewhere. Hopefully, she's bringing her Mummy and Daddy down to visit soon, so I can dote on her in person, rather than by webcam. Not to mention Deb Barnhill's Coupling socks on Knitty.

Well, nuff for now. Another repeat on the fir cones to do...


Claire x

Friday, 15 June 2007

Back in the Land of the Living

Finally, my PC has come back home! It arrived back while I was in France, but got delivered to work, which was a pain, as Jon then couldn't start using it. So I'm busy catching up. Rouen was beautiful - although with the amount of training I was having, I never got a chance to go wool shopping (boo).

And, I also have a new baby niece, Honey Florence, born two weeks past Thursday. I sent a pile of little knitted bits up, only realising after the event that I hadn't taken any photos...

Photos of other items will be coming soon - promise.