I've been sitting on a bit of a secret.
I'm not very good at keeping secrets.
Today I can finally go SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! and tell you I have a design going to be published in a book later this year! The book is "Fresh Designs: Scarves" and is being published by Co-operative Press, the brainchild of the amazing Shannon Okey. It's a scarf, and it's designed to be a very straighforward knit, in some of Jon's yarn.
Now - Shannon is doing her level best to publish this series of books (there's 10 in total covering everything a person could want to knit), but despite how superhuman she seems, she really does only have one pair of hands. To help get this series out more quickly, she's put in a bid for a kickstarter campaign - if $5000 is pledged by April 30, then there'll be a matching fund provided, which will really speed along the publication. To encourage donations, there's some pretty good prizes up for grabs, from PDF copies of Shannon's own latest book, "The Knitgrrl Guide to Professional Knitwear Design" right up to 3 days of private fibre art tuition one to one. Even a single dollar will help get this off the ground more quickly!
That's all I can reveal at the moment - my scarf's not available for a sneaky peek as yet - but hopefully, soon...