Thursday, 4 August 2011

We Love Our Supplier...

...who managed to find 8 cones of the Falkland Chunky I originally designed the Monkey Puzzle Scarf in. OH will be dyeing up 300g skeins, which is enough to knit the scarf, without having to join ends (or weave anything in other than cast on/cast off).
While OH is busy dyeing up the chunky (and preparing for a couple of shows we'll be attending - one near Edinburgh on 20th August, and one in Coldstream on 27th), he's having a sale to clear some space.
There's also some delicious local fibre listed. The Shetland and Shetland/Bowmont come from a farm just north of Alnwick, and the Manx is from a community grazing project - these sheep were in the country park where OH volunteers last summer, so we knew some of the sheep whose fibre he is selling! I've spindled the Manx, which was a delight, and have just started with the Moorit Shetland. The prep is sliver, which is a woolen prep, and is therefore good for soft and bouncy yarn.
In other news, I've started with this year's Guild Challenge - so my next post will include buckets, onion bags, and a human spin dryer!

1 comment:

BabyLongLegs said...

He's a twinkly star our Mr Wool...isn't he???

S xXx