Wednesday, 16 May 2007

Long time, no blog

Deary, deary me... Please forgive me, it's been - oooh - ages since I last wrote anything. I made a vow to myself that I would do this regulary, but things happen, I start wondering what to write, get myself as knotty as my yarn on a bad day, and decide not to bother.
Thank you Carrie Anne - I did bung the Felted Ruffle Bag in the washer, and it's turned out great - so I'll be making a couple for Christmas boxes as well. As long as I remember, seeing as it's May, and I tend to get good ideas for Christmas, then forget all about them before the end of the summer.
I abandoned the Ripple Scarf, as when I'd done a few repeats, it didn't really look me. I wonder if anyone can guess what I'm planning with the yarn? Could it be snuggly socks?
I'm currently knitting the border of Fiber Trends' Field of Flowers shawl in Posh Yarns Eva in Just Peachy. I'm loving the knit, the lacy patterns seem very rhythmic, and the yarn is like knitting with the smoothest softest thing imaginable. It's a shame it's knitting up so quickly - I can see me wanting to do more - perhaps this will be my new addiction.
I will post some pictures soon I promise - I'm a bit scatty like that...


acrylik said...

Glad the bag turned out OK!

Yes, we definitely want to see some pics of all these lovely things you've been knitting :)

Artis-Anne said...

Oh i want to see , I want to see LOL I know it is hard to keep at thos blogging thing at times . My exscuse is I don't work and its my social life LOL How sad is that ?
Enjoy your shawl knitting