Wednesday, 15 August 2007


I am feeling a little frustrated at the moment. I have finished Clue 6 - the penultimate clue - of the Mystery Stole. It is unusual, it is beautiful, I am dying to see how it finishes. The final clue is to be published on Friday - when I shall be driving down to the West Midlands, 200 miles or so, and so won't be able to download the file until Tuesday when I return.
Oh well, never mind. Since I finished my Fir Cone Shawl (oh yes I did!), I've been knitting Hanami, also designed by the talented Melanie in Honeysuckle Cashmere by Colourmart, with Japanese silver lined clear beads. For a member of Jon's family - so that can't come with, as we are staying with the intended recipient. I think I need to think a little...
I'm now about 1300th in line for Ravelry - so maybe I shall be a little more organised once I am on there for everyone to see? But then again, maybe not!
Nuff for now. Photos soon...

1 comment:

Arianwen said...

Thank you for commenting on my blog. I am glad to know there is another uk ms3 about. I think I shall wear mine to the harrogate show and see if anyone recognises it.